Sunday 13 December 2015

The power of music

We are all musical beings.

Tell me that a year ago and I would have rolled my eyes within. I never was musically-inclined since young and would balk at the idea that there was a morsel of musicness in me, as I could not hold a tune, play any musical instrument nor really entertained the thought that I could appreciate music (other than the occasional Chinese pop song in town).

Yet it was during this holiday that I truly appreciate what that line above meant.

We are indeed all musical beings. Music does not have to be purely viewed in terms of notes/chords put together. Music are sounds in essential form and the moment one is touched by or drawn towards particular sounds, be it those of nature, or the voices of some people especially those with deep bass quality, you have taken your first few steps to being a music connoisseur!

I have to thank Ingeborg Nebelung a music therapist from Norway who awakened me to this idea (the line came from her during her workshop that I attended a few weeks ago). And I think that also drives me to (unconsciously) adopt music and sounds as my theme this holiday, leading to my eventually finding the courage to tell myself that I CAN pick up ukulele on my own (despite a strong inner voice these past few years telling myself that I won't be able to do it), by watching youtube videos.

And oh how much I have been enjoying myself doing this! I am now able to strum my ukulele in 4 different patterns, achieve some kind of nuances (I hope!) in the playing of simple pieces and is now (whoohoo!) on the way of playing my dream piece "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"!

My dream of branding my lessons eventually with the playing of ukulele (the happiest musical instrument in the world), here I come!

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