Saturday 17 December 2011

Memories Part 2

"I hope that I shall long continue to keep a record of my impressions. I shall often realize the advantage of noting down my impression in this way; they grow deeper as one recalls them."— Eugene Delacroix

Going back to the topic on memories which explained why I started my blog, I must say I am still trying to figure out how to better retain my memories in different forms and ways. I must be sounding like I am suffering from Alzheimer's disease or some debilitating illness that I know will affect my memory, and even though I know it can be a good thing to have bad memory, I still do want to do my best to retain what I can. So far, this are the various avenues I have in mind:

  • blog
  • diary - This means I need to be very clear when an entry goes into a diary or my blog - which I am still trying to figure out. Obviously this would be the sanctuary for entries which could be potentially offensive to be published in my blog, so too will be ultra-personal stuff.
  • sketches
  • pictures

Talking to Mabel yesterday about my extremely bad memory (as opposed to her elephant memory), it dawned on me that perhaps the reason why I forget so so easily is that I think in words. Perhaps if I try to think in images, I may be able to sustain my memory much much better, which explains why I would focus more on the latter two as well. This potentiality makes me very excited, especially since I think I am a visual learner (afterall, I remembered directions of roads in Vietnam by remembering faces on tombstones along the streets where people engrave tombstones). This is also aligned with my determination to re-wire my brain a little to be less left-brained and a bit more right-brained. There is certainly nothing wrong with being a left-brainer; just that I am an extreme one, which makes me quite Aspergers' at times. The Middle Way should always be the way, I believe.

To prepare myself for these acts above, which I hope will accompany me as I do more travelling (across lands and within me), I decided that I need to learn how to sketch, in case inspiration dawns. I decided I will start by teaching myself how to sketch, using the drawing tool kit  bought from ArtFriend.

The reason in choosing to sketch flowers was that it was the only drawing tool kit I could find in the whole of ArtFriend (I figure the place is more of a friend to those who are non-art beginners, unfortunately).

Now that I sort of settled the drawing bit, I still need to think more about the business of taking pictures. I realised that it's not advisable to take pictures using my phone as I have difficulty loading them into the computer. Which may mean I have to lug an additional object (a camera) in my consistently heavy bag - I need to think more about this.

It's hard not to be a left-brainer when there are matters like that to think about.

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