Tuesday 10 January 2012


It has been a while since I wrote an entry in my blog (this post is meant to precede the previous one but I just need to get the other one out first!). Mainly because I am trying to reconcile with the whole idea of blogging. I am not done with reconciling and I figure I never will, until I blog about the process of reconciling, I think, though I know that, in itself is ironic. 

This whole reconciling business came about as I realise I came to a point that I am no longer sure if I am blogging for myself or for my readers (that is, if there are many in the first place). Which goes back to the question, what is MY purpose of a blog in the first place? Do I want to share every nook and cranny of my life with everyone? Should I share them with everyone? Am I tainting any bit of my memory (though that sounds really extreme) when I share them? If I am reluctant to share many personal details in my blog in the first place, why then did I set it up? 

Have I really figured out the difference between my blog and my diary? There should be a difference of course. But to what extent and in which areas? I thought I had it figured it out. I think I did. So why am I going on this guilt trip in the first place? 

I think I may be entering into a whole realm of discussing about social media and the influence on personal life (which is too intellectual for me). Hence will stop here for now.  

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